My name is Nakita veltman and I'm 17 years old. I love reading since I was little. As a Child we went to the libary with school and that was twice a week! We could choose two books and read them when we started with school. We had the first 30 minutes to read and more time when you were done with your work. I was most of the time very fast so I read much and loved it. I start reading in the breaks and enjoyed many stories!
I stopped a couple of years because I wanted to play outside,play soccer and other games and enjoyed my school but in high school after my parents divorced I started again because my friends read. The stories didn't make me think on the hard world. I was 11 when my parents broke up and it was hard because I was Just pubering. The first series I read was the ranger's Apprentice! I Loved it and wanted to read more!
Now I have I think a 1000 books and collect it them for 3/4 years. My sister has her own house so if I need to do something and this is something good and stumulate my brains. When people ask me why I read I ask them most of the time why they breath. They told me that they have to to leave and I told them that reading feels the same for me!
I love to read bloody thrillers and enjoy of the hard stories and mystery in it. Sometimes I want to read a contemporary because every one has kinda love moments. Fantasy is still the genre that I love most! The world is most of the time big and full of adventures! The young adult books are also interesting but the most look like the others. The hunger games, divergent, the programm, i'll give you the sun, books that I read and love! I Just need to read much stuff! But you understand the statement : " so much books and so little time".
I hope that you enjoy my Story and will share your Story as well! It was awesome to do and I feel special that Claire asked me! Much reading fun!!
1. What is or are your all time favorite book(s)?
My favorite books and series are : 1. is the hunger games, because
I love the way of Collins' writing style and the Story. There is one
girl and there are two boys fighting for her, but she has her own problems as well.
She have to take care of her family and be strong. It's awesome to read how she
do everything and how strong she is. On number two are the books from John
Brotherband is his second serie. It's about the skandiers in Skandia and they are most of the time on the sea. It are big guys and they love fun!
The last book that I love is "i'll give you the sun". It's a book full of feelings and art. They speak like an artist and they tell a Story on a style that I never met! It's so Beautiful! At the first time I don't want to read the books because people say; skip the first 100 pages but I Loved them too!
2. Who's your favorite author and why?
This is a hard one! I love Suzanne collins and John flanagan the most because the stories that I read make me smile and remember me on the happy moments and I remember the stories. I read every week a book and this are the books that I still love and remember!
3. Do you have any signed books?
Yes! I have 2 mini closets with signed books! The most are dutch or translated. I love signed books and the talk with the writer to know why they Wrote a certain story.
4. What's your favorite reading spot? Most of the time I read in my bed. A soft pillow and a blanket to keep me warm. A good orange juice and some music and it's good! Almost perfect. It's perfect when I can hug with someone! I can read everywhere when I have a good book and Some nice music. The only things that I need then is a place where I sit confortable.
5. Show us your bookshelves or bookcase!
These are the pictures. I love books so much that I will never stop expanding my collection!
6. What are your favorite book blogs?I read most of the time dutch blogs : A 1000 ways to read, Zon en Maan, young adult boeken, Kwante in Wonderland and have my own on wordpress!
Thank you Claire for this interview! If you'd like to have a look on my blog here's the link: https://nakitaslibrary.wordpress.com/
Hope you enjoyed my post!
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