
Sunday 27 March 2016

Recensie: Winterdieren door Bibi Dumon Tak

Titel/Auteur: Winterdieren door Bibi Dumon tak
Jaar gepubliceerd: 2011 door Querido
Genre: kinderboek, informatieboek
Hoe heb ik dit boek verkregen: bibliotheek
Waarom las ik dit boek: Het boek vond ik er mooi uitzien.
Rating: 4 van de 5 sterren
De dieren in dit boek houden best van zon, maar dan moet het wel een koud zonnetje zijn. Eentje waarvan je haren rechtovereind gaan staan. Ze wonen op de noordpool en de zuidpool. Het is er altijd koud. Niet gewoon koud, maar ijskoud. Zomers en winters staat de diepvries aan. Als de sneeuw eens niet over de velden jaagt, kun je de bewoners horen: De roep van de sneeuwuil, de krakende knietjes van het rendier, het zingen van de beloega, het gebrul van de zuidelijke zeeolifant en het geschuifel van de keizerspinguïn. Maar als je de reis naar deze winterdieren te lang en te koud vindt, kun je dit boek lekker bij de kachel lezen.

Ik kan niet meer zeggen dan dat ik dit een zeer leuk en informatief boek vond. In het boek komen allerlei dieren aan bod, deze dieren zijn allemaal dieren die leven in koude gebieden op aarde. De dieren zijn allemaal vormgegeven met mooie afbeeldingen en de informatie erbij is aantrekkelijk verteld. Enkele dieren die in het boek voorkomen zijn: de Lynx, Noordse Stern, De zee-luipaard, de walrus, de sneeuwuil en nog veel meer. Zoals je leest komen er verschillende soorten dieren in het boek voor: landdieren, zeedieren, maar ook vogels. Dat vond ik zelf heel leuk aan het boek, de auteur heeft er voor gekozen werkelijk alle verschillende dieren te bespreken en zich niet te beperken tot één categorie.

Bij ieder dier is er een klein stukje tekst met informatie over het dier. Dit is in 'kindertaal' geschreven wat het zeer aantrekkelijk en makkelijk begrijpbaar maakt. Bij ieder dier is er ook een 'wist je dat?' stukje. Hierin vertelt de auteur leuke weetjes over het dier. Toen in dit boek las moest ik qua niveau direct denken aan de middenbouw. Dit boek is vooral leuk om kennis op te doen van deze dieren. Vooral voor groep 4/5/6 zou dit een leuk boek zijn. Er wordt op een kindvriendelijke en aantrekkelijke manier omgegaan met informatie. Het boek heeft ook geen lopend verhaal, het is echt informatie dat de kinderen aangeboden krijgen op een leuke manier.


In 2012 is het boek bekroond met een zilveren griffel, wat ik helemaal begrijp. Het boek is zodanig goed dat het geweldig is om in de klas te gebruiken, maar ook thuis. Het boek heb ik 4 van de 5 sterren gegeven. Ik vond het heel goed!

Wednesday 23 March 2016

Miss Peregrine's home for peculiar children Movie!

A couple of days ago they released the Miss Peregrine's home for peculiar children trailer! I've seen it so many times now and I'm so excited. Being one of my favorite books I of course can't wait to see the movie in cinema! To share my happiness here's the trailer and movie poster :)
Who's as excited as I am?

If you haven't heard of the book nor the movie I recommend you to check it out because it's amazing. The book is written by the one and only Ransom Riggs! :D

And you know what? They even filmed this movie close to where I live, In Brasschaat (Belgium)! They used the Brasschaat castle to be the home of miss Peregrine :D

Sunday 20 March 2016

Talk Bookish With ...... Joana! (4)

Hi everyone =) I am Joana and I am from Luxembourg. I am originally from Portugal, so I currently have double citizenship in those two countries. I recently graduated with a Bachelor in Communication, which I received in the United States. Upon graduating, I returned to Europe and I am currently working as a Database Editor, but will soon be switching jobs =)
A big part of my life centres on books. I love to read and try to make that a priority (as much as it is possible). I also have a BookTube channel and a Bookstagram account, which I am focusing the most attention on at the moment. Reading is so important to me and I decided to create these two main social media channels to talk about books and the things that I love most.
When I am not reading, I am spending time with friends, family and, most importantly, my husband. We love to watch TV series and movies together, but we also love to travel (when the money allows it). Some of our favourite shows are Arrow, The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., The Shannara Chronicles and Game of Thrones.

If you have ever seen Gilmore Girls, then you can have a glimpse at the relationship that I have with my mother. We are the European version of Lorelai and Rory, and my mother is also the person who made me the booklover that I am today.

1.      What is or are your all time favourite book(s)?
This is a tough question for a book lover, but I think there are some books that are near and dear to my heart and will stay that way for a very long time.
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak is a book that I have been considering as my “favorite book” for 2 years now. I love WW2 novels, whether they are fiction or not, and this book is simply stunning. I love that it is narrated by death and I love the emotions it evokes and the tone of the story. It is simply stunning.
Another one of my favorite books (and series, even though I have yet to complete it) is The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson. I fell in love with the characters, the world, Sanderson’s writing and how daring he can be. He creates these huge worlds and something that is completely and utterly his own, and there are not many authors who can do that successfully.
Some of my other favorite series and books are (I predominantly read fantasy and historical fiction): The Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas, The Falling Kingdom series by Morgan Rhodes, The Remnant Chronicles by Mary E. Pearson, The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater, The Miniaturist by Jessie Burton, An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir (and so many more).

2. Who is your favorite author and why?
I think that Sarah J. Maas, Morgan Rhodes, Mary E. Pearson and Brandon Sanderson are a safe bet. I love everything I have read by those authors so far and they have become “auto-reads” for me.

3. Do you have any signed books?
Sadly, I don’t =( Not many authors come to Luxembourg xD

4. What’s your favourite reading spot?
I used to read on my bed, but now I love to read on our couch. It is comfortable enough to stay there for hours, but not as comfy as a bed, which slowly lulls you into a tight sleep.

5. Show us your bookshelf or bookcase!
Most of my childhood books are stored away, but these are the books that I currently have on my shelves! I am in the process of rearranging them though haha.

6. What are your favourite book blogs?
I don’t read many book blogs, but I am more into Bookstagram accounts and BookTubers. I do read some blogs every once in a while, but it is rare. Some of my favorite BookTube channels are Thoughts on Tomes, Peruse Project, Riley Marie, Elisabeth Paige, and WellDoneBooks. There are others, but those are my auto-watch a well =)

So that, is me =) If you want a new bookish friend, you can either follow me on Instagram (myreadingspace) or on YouTube (Joana Sousa). I love discussing books and other random life things =)

Thank you so much Claire for  this interview =) =) =)


Friday 18 March 2016

#FridayReads 18-03

Happy friday!

It's time for a new #FridayReads again. I'm so happy to finally having weekend :D past week was exhausting!
This weekend I'll be studying a lot because the next 2 weeks I have exams and tests at school.. But I also want to make some time for reading.
This weekend I want to finish the 2nd book in the princess diaries series by Meg Cabot called 'A royal disaster'. I've read about 50 pages today and I'm loving it so much! Meg's writing style is amazing!
I also want to read and finish a picture book I have to read for school and want to start in a book I got for review. I'm more than excited to read a bit again.
When having time I also want to write and plan some blogposts for the following weeks because my time will be minimal.
Hopefully the weather will be as good as we've had this past week. I just love the spring season!

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday 16 March 2016

Top 10 books I can't believe I've never read

Of course as a reader I read many books and even want to read more than I'm capable to do. I have a huge list of book on my TBR and add new ones daily. So far I try to read as many books as I can but of course will never find the time to read my entire TBR list. I actually have many books on my list who almost everyone has read so far, but I'm still to. You may say I haven't jumped on the bandwagon yet. Here's a list of 10 books I can't believe I've never read before!

1. The percy Jackson series. Out of this series I've only read the 1st book, which is several years ago now. I thought it to be okay but never picked up the other books in the series. I actually do want to read them because the idea of mythology is amazing!

2. Song of ice and fire series (Game of Thrones). I love the TV series so much! and I've even read the 1st half of the 1st book called 'a game of thrones' but I came into a reading slump and never picked it up again.

3. Maus by Art Spiegelman. This book being a graphic novel I think it looks amazing. It has been smiling to me ever since I bought it in the shakespeare and company bookshop in Paris. This book is about the jews and Nazis during the 2nd world war.

4. Jane Austen books. yes yes, I've only read pride and prejudice, but being one of my favorite books I never picked up other novels by her. 

   5. The Divergent series. Again, only read the 1st book but never picked up the others.

   6. The lord of the rings series. Shame on me!

7. Any Colleen Hoover book. I've heard nothing but good things about them!

8. Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson. I do own them though, hehe.

9. Almost any John Green book. People have been raving about all of them. So far I've only read The fault in our stars and An abundance of Katherines. I didn't like the last one though. That's why I'm scared to pick up any of his other books.

10. Seraphina by Rachel Hartman. Also, this book has amazing reviews and ratings and I even own it, I've just never picked it up..

Sunday 13 March 2016

The Random Tag

So, lately I find not much time to write blogposts. I just am so busy with school that I hardly have time to read anything. I wasn't tagged in this but I would like to do it anyway.
This tag basically are some random questions and you have to answer these. Many book bloggers did them before me, so it's time to jump on to the bandwagon. Here we go!

1. What is your favorite food?
This question really is a hard one. I love so many things! I really like deer steak, spaghetti, lasagne, hamburgers, mussels, a dutch dish called Kapsalon, bearnaise sauce haha. As you can see, many random things!

2. what are you having/ did you have for dinner tonight?
I honestly don't know. I'll be eating at my dad's girlfriend's place so wouldn't know! I hope on spaghetti!

3. Who was he last person you emailed?
uuuhmmm, let me check! .... I emailed a woman called rebecca, she's a student coach and I hope to make an appointment with her soon!

4. What sports do you do?
haha damn, I feel ashamed to admit but, I don't do any sports. I just don't find the time to do it and I'm lazy as hell!

5. Do you have any pet hates?
well, let's put it this way, I feel a strong hate against terrorists, rapists and people who think to know it all.

6. Do you play any musical instruments?
not a thing!

hope you all liked this tag! Here are the people I tag to do this:
- Kwante from KwanteInWonderland
- Mariëlle from Duntax.nl
- Lisa from LeaveNoStoryBehind

Friday 11 March 2016

#FridayReads 11-03

Hi to you all! happy weekend!

Quick update on what I did this past week! Past week I had internship at the primary school, which was nice. I learned a lot and had quite a good time. I also have had the flu for a couple of days. I have it for over 3 weeks now and I am seriously hating it. First I get ill and then couple of days doing better again, until a week later I get ill again... This past week I haven't read any book, unfortunately. I was just so busy for school that by the time I came home it was so late and I was so tired..

This weekend I hopefully have time for reading. I'm going to stay at my dad's for couple of weeks so I can be fully focused on studying for the tests and exams coming soon. I still am reading the 2nd book in the Meg Cabot princess diaries series called 'A royal disaster'. I do hope to finish the book 'winterdieren' by Bibi Dumon Tak this weekend.

Which books will you be reading over the weekend?

Wednesday 9 March 2016

Recensie: Meneer poot zoekt werk door Nathalie Slosse

Titel/Auteur: Meneer Poot zoekt werk door Nathalie Slosse en Rocio del Moral
Jaar gepubliceerd: 2014 door Abimo
Genre: kinderboek, prentenboek
Hoe heb ik dit boek verkregen: bibliotheek
Waarom las ik dit boek: omdat ik toekomstig lerares zal worden sprak mij dit zeer aan 
Rating: 3.5 van de 5 sterren'

Meneer Poot, Flappies papa, verliest plotseling zijn werk als graver. Hij is zo verdrietig dat hij Flappie zelfs niet meer achter de oren kriebelt. Hoe moet het verder met het gezin als papa geen wortels meer verdient? Kunnen Flappie en zijn beste vriend Snuiter ergens anders werk vinden voor meneer Poot?

Het boek gaat over een familie konijnen. Op een dag komt papa konijn thuis en is hij een beetje sip, hij is zijn baan verloren. Dit vertelt hij aan zijn zoontje. Samen met mama konijn besluiten ze te reageren op zoekertjes om een nieuwe baan te vinden en aan het einde van het verhaal heeft hij eindelijk iets gevonden!

Dit boek was goed geschreven. De situatie komt ook in het echte leven voor en werd naar mijn mening zeer goed verwoord in dit prentenboek. Zelf heb ik dit prentenboek voorgelezen aan groep 1/2 en zag toch dat de leerlingen het een moeilijk boek vonden. Er staan voornamelijk begrippen in als CV en zoekertje, de kleuters begrepen er niet veel van. Na het uitgelegd te hebben snapten ze het nog steeds niet helemaal. Waarschijnlijk zijn ze net iets te jong voor dit boek. Wel was het een goed boek om bij na te denken. Wat als er gebeurt als je werkloos raakt? en hoe los je het op? Vooral dit was goed geschreven.

Wat mij het meest aansprak aan het boek was de manier waarop de afbeeldingen getekend waren. Dit vond ik zeer mooi gedaan. Een hele andere stijl dan anders!
Ik geef dit prentenboek een 3.5!

Sunday 6 March 2016

February wrap-up & March TBR

It's finally time for a wrap-up!
In february I read some great books.. For school I read 2 children's books and 2 books I chose myself. The books I read are:
-The princess diaries by Meg Cabot
- through the woods by Emily Carroll
- Meester Jaap houdt van iedereen door Jacques Vriens
- Meneer Poot zoekt werk door Nathalie Slosse

Overall I think  I did a good Job with reading, thinking I have so much schoolstuff to do! My favorite book of the month was 'The princess Diaries' , I think Meg Cabot's writing style is absolutely amazing and just can't wait to read the whole series!
I also was amazing by how good Through the woods was.. The story was so creepy, but so good as well!

Now it's March I want to read some more books. I am currently reading 2 books and want to finish them of course :) The books I'd like to read this month are:
- Winterdieren by Bibi Dumon Tak
- de gele olifant by Loes Riphagen
- A royal disaster by Meg Cabot
- Passenger by Alexandra Bracken
- I wonder by Jane Altman

I also am going to Paris March 31st, so hope I'll be able to read a bit when I'm in the bus :)

Which books will you be reading this month?

Friday 4 March 2016

#FridayReads 04-03

Hello Hello,
Happy Weekend!

This weekend I'll be reading a great book by Meg Cabot called 'A royal Disaster'. It's the 2nd book in the princess diaries series and I already love it! I also will be reading the book 'winterdieren' by Bibi Dumon tak.
This weekend I'll also be working for school, because on monday a teacher is coming to my internship to see how I'm doing and will be giving advice.
Also my dad's company has open days, which means others can come and look how the company runs and they also can buy stuff. I'll be semi-helping.
And at last I'll be doing some work for school from last year, I still need to get my Propedeuse and need 8 studypoints for it. 4 things I need to make and 1 test. I'm working on it but it just goes so slowly, and  I only have till May to do it all, which means I'm stressing a lot about it.... :o

Hopefully your weekend will be less stressful than mine haha.
have a great day!