
Sunday 29 November 2015

Recensie: Heb je mijn zusje gezien? Door Joke van Leeuwen (Nederlands)

Titel/Auteur: Heb je mijn zusje gezien? Door Joke Van Leeuwen
Jaar gepubliceerd: 2006 door Querido
Genre: Prentenboek, kinderboek
Hoe heb ik dit boek verkregen: bibliotheek
Waarom las ik dit boek: Ik heb dit boek gelezen omdat de vormgeving mij zeer aansprak
Rating: 2 van de 5 sterren

Een jongetje zoekt zijn grote zus. Achter iedere muur moet gezocht worden. Achter iedere muur komt weer een andere verrassing tevoorschijn. En zusje?

Het boek gaat over een jongetje die zijn zusje kwijt is. Waar is ze nu? Dat vraagt hij aan ieder persoon of dier die achter een muur zit. Telkens beschrijft hij beter en beter hoe ze eruit ziet, tot plotseling hij zijn zusje vind. 

Dit boek was niet heel dik of moeilijk. Het verhaal sprak mij wel aan. Vooral de vormgeving van het boek vond ik zeer leuk gevonden. De muren waren ook echt aparte bladen met daarop een muur en achter de muur zat dan een persoon of dier die aan de beschrijvingen van zijn zusje deels voldeed. De tekeningen zijn goed te volgen en vond ik leuk getekend. 

Dit prentenboek is aan te raden aan de jongste kinderen. Het is spannend hoe het jongetje in het boek zijn zusje nu vind, kleine kinderen vanaf een jaar of 3 tot 5 zullen zeker van het boek genieten! 

Ikzelf gaf het boek 2 van de 5 sterren, dit omdat ik gewoon al betere prentenboeken gelezen heb. Dat maakt dit boek niet minder dan anderen maar in zekere zin anders en voor een jonger publiek. 

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Recensie: Mees Kees- een pittig klasje by Mirjam Oldenhave (Nederlands)

Titel / auteur Mees Kees- een pittig klasje door Mirjam Oldenhave
jaar & door wie gepubliceerd: 2006 door Ploegsma
Genre: jeugdboek
hoe kom ik aan dit boek: van mijzelf
waarom heb ik dit boek gelezen: mijn zusjes zijn er dol op, moest hem daarom eens proberen!
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

In de klas van Tobias (ik-figuur) komt Mees Kees. Tobias en zijn klasgenootjes moeten Mees Kees nog leren hoe een meester te zijn

In het boek gaat het over een jongetje, Tobias, zijn klasgenootjes en Meester Kees (mees Kees). Tobias is de ik figuur. Hij ervaart het hele schoolgebeuren door kinderogen.
Meester Kees is een stagiare dat komt invallen in de klas, want hun juf is met zwangerschapsverlof. Meester Kees is best zenuwachtig omdat hij voor het eerst een klas alleen draait, maar het komt al snel allemaal goed en hij blijkt niet de 'standaard' meester te zijn.

Het boek heeft korte hoofdstukjes wat het voor kinderen makkelijk maakt om te lezen. Ideaal om het boek te lezen rond een jaar of 8. wie wil zo een leuke meester nu niet? Zelf als stagiare leerkracht hoop ik toch ook stiekem een beetje dat de kinderen mij net zo leuk als meester Kees zullen vinden ;)
Mees Kees leert al snel dat het saaie lesgebeuren niet zo bij hem past en maakt er daarom iets grappigs van voor hem en de kinderen. Al snel vinden de kinderen hem helemaal te gek!
De afbeeldingen in het boek passen ook goed bij de passages, kinderen kunnen snel een beeld krijgen van de meester en Tobias.

Zelf vond ik het boek 'okee'. Ik vond de hoofdstukjes wel heel erg kort en ook zat er naar mijn mening niet zo veel detail over de omgeving in het boek (in welke plaats speelt het boek zich af? , hoe oud zijn de kinderen? hoe ziet de klas eruit? enz). Dit vond ik wel jammer, want daardoor kwam het voor mij rommelig over. Mees Kees komt zelf ook over als nog een beetje een kind. Hij leest graag Asterix en Obelix en speelt graag spellen en games. Over mees Kees zelf zitten er dus wel heel wat leuke details in het boek. 
Ik heb het boek daarom ook maar 3 van de 5 sterren gegeven. Het gebrek aan detail was heel vervelend.
Wel is dit een boek dat zeker aan te raden is aan kinderen die geen helden in het lezen zijn of niet graag lezen. Alles verloopt lekker vlot en ook spreekt het verhaal kinderen zeer aan. Het past precies in de alledaagse belevingswereld.

Zoals ik al zei, 3 van de 5 sterren voor de 'volwassen' ik!

Sunday 22 November 2015

Talk bookish with ...... Marlies! (1)

Hi everyone, my name is Marlies from The Netherlands. I live in the north of that little country. I am 22 years old and I am also a bookblogger on TeaTimeBooks.nl. I am having that hobby for 1,5 years and I still like it! It is really cool to share something you love to the world. But I am also a designer. I made the header for this website too.
I am not working at the moment. And I already finished my school. Now I am educating myself with some free courses on the internet. Since Monday I also started with sports again. It was a long time ago (3 years) since I did something like that. 
Currently I am also participate NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month. Where you have to write a novel in 30 days of 50,000 words. Omg! Last year I also did it and I won, yea! So why don’t join it this year. 
One of my other hobbies is gaming. Last week I bought Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 and Grand Theft Auto V for PC. This summer I bought an expensive gaming pc J I am soooo happy with it! 
My reading addiction started with Harry Potter, I know it sounds cliché but it’s true. I think I was reading it since book 2 was published. With the last book I couldn’t wait, so that was the first one I read in English. And there started my real addiction. I realized it was cheaper to buy English books, so when I heard we were going to York in Great Britain with school I couldn’t stop searching for bookstores. And really, I bought so many books at bookstores that I had trouble to walk properly. I am the only one in my family who reads this much. So I don’t really have an example to look up to.

I think that’s a pretty long story isn’t it? :P

Marlies' favorite reading spot.
1. What is or are your all-time favourite book(s)?
I think that will be Harry Potter, that’s where my addiction to read started. And since that moment I can’t stop reading haha. 

2. Who is your favorite author and why?
George R.R. Martin from the A Song of Ice and Fire series, for sure! I love the way he kills the characters like they are nothing. How can you be so rude, but I also have respect for that.

3. Do you have any signed books?
L I wish I had some. 

4. What’s your favorite reading spot?

It is my bed. First I always read some before I go off to sleep.

5. Show us your bookshelves or case

 Here you can see my classics collection. The Collins Classics and the Penguin 80th anniversary collection I have. And my Funko Pops collection, they are so cute!
Some books for review from publishers and some ‘I really have to read these books’. 
some of my series and coloring books and games. 

Books I absolutely can’t miss in my life. I have them on my wardrobe. And I have to step on a chair to reach them haha.
a bit of a disaster, I KNOW
these 2  pictures are my complete bookcase!

6. What are your favourite book blogs?
Ofcourse yours is a fantastic blog! And I also like: MijnBreinIsEenBoekenKast
 and for the international visitors here I came up to this blog LittleBookOwl.com

I really liked this interview and I am honored to be the first one. Sometimes I think I have too much books, and I know I still have to read most of my shelves. But that can’t stop me from getting to the library and read on my e-reader. Hopefully in the future I have my own little library in my house. That will be one of my dreams.
Thanks for reading and read on!

Friday 20 November 2015

#FridayReads 20-11

Happy weekend everyone! 

As you might have noticed last week I didn't post a #fridayreads post. This was because of the paris attacks. I decided I wouldn't be blogging on that sad day. 

But this week we have a new week and of course I read some books.
Last week I read 2 picture books in Dutch: 
-heb je mijn zusje gezien? By Joke van Leeuwen 
- Monsterboek by Alice Hoogstad
Reviews of these will be online soon (in Dutch) 
I didn't have time for any other books. 

This weekend i'll still be reading the book 'life and death' by stephanie meyer. It's a pretty big book and because of the lack of time I haven't had time to finish it.  i'll also be reading book 4 in the iron fey series by Julie Kagawa, called 'the Iron Knight'. 

I'm super excited to finally read the last iron fey book! :) and hopefully I'll be able to finally finish life and death. 

What book/which books will you be reading over the weekend? 
Let me know! 

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Review: Waiting for winter by Sebastian Meschenmoser

Title/author: waiting for winter by Sebastian Meschenmoser
Originally published/ year published: 2007 by Hoogland & Van Klaveren
Genre: childrens picture book
How I got this book: library
Why I read this book: I just love winter and had to read picture books for school
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

squirrel has never seen it snow, and this year he is determined to not miss it! he wants his friends, hedgehog and bear, to see it snow too, but it's hard to stay awake. Finally winter arrives, and snow is falling... or is it?

I so love this book. It's amazingly written and perfect for kids age 3/4/5. When I read this I was really excited, because animals and winter give me the ultimate magical perfect feeling. 
First squirrel finds his friend, hedgehog. and together they'll watch the sky for the moment the first snowflake falls, but this doesn't happen. They almost fall asleep, when suddenly their friend, bear, comes! they decide to wait for winter, with the 3 of them. in the end they almost fall asleep again but then bear suddenly feels something on his nose. it's the 1st snowflake of the  year!

The pictures in this book are so pretty. You almost feel like walking in the forest yourself. the animals are really cute and the story is so appealing to kids. If I had children I definitely would have read this as their bedtime story in winter!

I give the book 5 out of 5 stars!

Sunday 15 November 2015

Downton Abbey has (unfortunately) come to an end

It's been a week ago since Downton Abbey ended. It was one of my favorite tv shows ever! How I enjoyed this series. I know how I started watching as if it was yesterday.

5 years and a bit ago Downton Abbey started airing on ITV. Because I live in the Netherlands we don't have ITV. luckily I saw people on twitter talking about the new show and I just had to give it a go. It really was the show that changed my life completely.
because I love history I enjoyed the show a lot as well. The whole Mary and Matthew story was so amazing and also Branson's and Sybil's one was great! Also downstairs there was the perfect amount of drama going on and immediately fell in love with Bates & Anna.
It was really sad Sybil and Matthew died so early in the show, would have loved to see more of them.

Many things happened during the years the show has runned. The actors and Actresses became very famous and soon the series became one of the best series the Brits have had in years!"
During the show they showed us life during the early 1900s and showed us the effect of the Titanic sinking in England. They showed us world war 1 and how the family was coping with it and also gave us a splendid ending of the women having more to say & being independant during the 20s.

Because of the show I met many people. I was very active on twitter back in the days and learned to know people over the internet. I even met 2 in real life as well. and both were huge Downton fans. One of the girls, Isis I visited in France about 3.5 years ago and we immediately became very good frieds in real life as well and the 2nd girl I met because of Downton was Louise, whome I met recently (October 31st) in Bruges, Belgium. And again, this girl was the sweetest person on the planet!

Because I was/am such a fan I also got the autographs from all series 1 actors of the show! even Maggie Smith (Dowages countess)! and back in Series 1 I wrote Allen Leech (Branson) a letter if he could send me an autograph to add to my Downton collection he even wrote back a letter to me! he was so sweet and thanked me for the support towards him and the show and that he never believed he would create fans. I have to say, everyone of the cast are really nice people and many became very well known during their Downton years.

this last series, series 5 was a very good one! It had it's portion of drama and the Dowager again had the best one-liners you can imagine! I was shocked that lord Grantham almost died though and that Mr. Talbot almost died in a car accident, (poor Mary!). Still can't believe Mary ruined Edith's engagement and Mary has married again. Series 5 really was one of my fav seasons.

I can't believe the show is over just yet. those 5 years went really fast and it all came as a total suprise when Julian Fellowes (the show writer) announced series 5 would be the last series. It was a shock! I have to say I'm still incredibly sad about it, the show meant a lot to me and always will!

The last episode is going to be this year's christmas special. Rose is returning and maybe Edith is going to have her happy end after all.

I want to wish all the actors best! and wanted to thank them for the great adventure as well.
Maybe one day (hopefully), Downton will come back in cinemas and make us fans excited again!

I know this post had nothing to do with books, I just had to share this emotional moment :)

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Mockingjay part 2

Hello everyone!
it's november, which means it's the month the last hunger games film is to come out, Mockingjay part 2. I have read all the hunger games books and loved them all a lot! also I can't believe it's going to be the last film. I've seen them all so far and although they don't really follow the books, the films are pretty great :) 

here's the promotion poster!

and of course here's the trailer as well!

Is any of you as excited as I am?

Sunday 8 November 2015

Review: Doctor Proctors fart powder by Jo Nesbo

Title/author: Doctor Proctors fart powder by Jo Nesbo
Originally published/ year published: December 2009 by Simon & Schuster's Alladin
Genre: adventurous, children's, humor
How I got this book: library
Why I read this book: the book was recommended to me by a teacher
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

eleven year old Nilly is new to the neighbourhood, but is quick to make friends: DoctorProctor who is an eccentric professor who invents wacky potions and powders, and brainy Lisa who is always teased by the twin terrors Twyn and Truls.All is good farty fun when Nilly and Lisa help doctor Proctor develop his latest invention,a powder that makes you fart. The powder makes Nilly and Lisa very popular at school when they sell it for 50 cents a bag.
but when doctor Proctors creates an industrial-strenght version that can send people outer space, the kids must go to great lenghts to protect the invention and keep it out of the hands of the neighbors, who want to use the powder for evil purpouses

the blur already says a lot about the story of the book! I never knew before this book Jo Nesbo also wrote children's books, so this one came as a total suprise. I know he writes adult thrillers but as I said this one was quite the suprise. although he focuses on the adult books he wrote this one pretty well. I even heard there were more books in this series and that it has been translated into many languages.

In the book Nesbo's character comes to front, he writes very funny passages between the kids and the professor and has great one liners! the character of the kids is very curious. they want to be involved in everything and they love to find out new things. that's exactly what kids are these days! I can imagine that children will relate to the charachters in the book.
then we have Doctor Proctor, he is a very funny and insecure man who just wants to put his ideas into reality. He likes to make the weirdest potions and powder and he loves it! As a kid, I would have found this the most perfect dad in the world! :P although in the book the man is a Professor.
The book takes place in a city in Norway (the country Nesbo is from) and several Norwegian customs have been put into the book by him.

The book was quite easy to read and didn't have that many pages, which makes it the perfect evening read for kids. once you start the book you'll be sucked in from the start.

although I enjoyed the book very much I kinda felt that it wasn't the read I would recommend every kid. It had some quite rude words in it and some passages were maybe a little too hard to read for certain ages. In the end Nesbo is a thriller writer and not a childrens book writer. But however, I think Nesbo did a great job on writing this very exciting and funny book!

I gave the book 3 out of 5 stars, just because the book wasn't quite my cup of tea. 

Friday 6 November 2015

#FridayReads 06-11

Happy weekend everyone!

this friday i'm back with a new fridayreads post. 
I'm still not finished with 'life and death' by Stephanie Meyer and I still need to start 'Mees kees- a naughty class' by Mirjam Oldenhave. 
Last week I luckily did finish 'waiting for winter' by Sebastian Meschenmoser (which I loooooved!) 

This weekend and coming week I'll hopefully finish the books of past week :) and maybe i'll choose a new picture book, but I'm not sure yet which one and if I'll have time for it :) 

Which books will you be reading? 

Thursday 5 November 2015

Fantastic beasts and where to find them photos!

So, yesterday I came home from school and was pretty busy for most of the day. after getting a text of having failed my exam I went on facebook. And guess what? I saw an article by Entertainment weekly showing some pictures from Fantastic beasts and where to find them!

Look at Eddie Redmayne! He's so fab!

Basically, J.K Rowling herself wrote parts of the film! The Film will be inspired by Harry Potters textbook of the same name and will feature the book's fictuous author, Newt Scamander. In the book Professor Dumbledore has written the introduction but the rest of it will be written by 'Newt Scamander'.

I just think this new film will be an amazing addition to the die-hard Harry Potter fans, and maybe also will inspire young kids to start watching the Harry Potter movies and read the books. A triggering new introduction to the new generation!

Of course I'll show you the rest of the photo's showed in the Entertainment weekly article as well :)

Wednesday 4 November 2015

October wrap-up and November TBR

For the first time in a very long time I read several books again this month. for my feeling I had a great reading month and enjoyed some of the books a lot!

In October I read the following books:
- Doctor Proctor's fart powder by Jo Nesbo
- Hollow City by Ransom Riggs
  Review: Hollow city
- Prisoner of night and fog by Anne Blankman
  Review: Prisoner of night and fog
-Waiting for winter by Sebastian Meschenmoser

out of my Octorber reads I enjoyed Prisoner of night and fod and waiting for winter most! 

so now my list of books I want to read in November:
- Life and Death by Stephanie Meyer
- Mees kees - a naughty class by Mirjam Oldenhave
- have you seen my sister? by Joke van leeuwen
- The iron knight by Julie Kagawa
- The Heir by Keira Cass

I may not be able to read all the books mentioned above but I'll try. I'm so excited to read the Heir by Keira cass. the selection trilogy is one of my all time favorite book series!

what have you read and will you be reading?

Monday 2 November 2015

November YA book releases

October was a great release month. Books such as :
- Carry on by Rainbow Rowell
- Illuminae by Amie Kaufman
- life and death by Stephanie Meyer
- Ice like fire by Sara Raasch
were released. overall, this month was the best book month in ages!

We also this month have some great books to be released.

The one most of the people are excited for will be 'Winter', book 4 in the lunar chronicles series by Marissa Meyer. The story follows princess Winter and she will fight against Levana together with Cinder Scarlett and Cress.
I've read this book Will be huge, 832 pages in the hardcover version! A lovely suprise for all the die hard fans out there. Winter will be released on November 10th.

The next book on the list is 'November 9' by Colleen Hoover. November 9 will be released on November 10th. The book will be one of the many Colleen Hoover love stories she has written. It follows 2 people, Fallon and Ben and I heard the plot twist in this book will be amazing!

The 3rd popular book that will be released is 'Ten thousand skies above you' by Claudia Gray. This will be book 2 in the Firebird series. This book will be released November 3rd. It goes on after the first book and it's already a very good 2nd book to the series. On goodreads the book has already 4.39 out of 5 stars, it's a sign!

The 4th and last book I will be talking about is 'Half Truths' by Sally Green. This book is a pré half bad book, which means the story in this book takes place before the 1st book in the trilogy called 'Half bad'. The book follows Gabriel's story and his arrival in Switserland where he seeks help in recovering his magical powers. I believe this book will have a great Content for all the Half bad fans! This book will be released November 3rd.

Sunday 1 November 2015

#Fridayreads 30-10


I know it's already sunday but because of studying for my exams (starting tomorrow) I totally forgot to put up the friday reads tag!
Last week I haven't read the books I wanted to read, although we in The Netherlands are having holidays for a week I studied a lot for my exams at uni starting tomorrow. Out of the books I was going to read I only finished one, which was the picture book 'waiting for winter' by Sebastian Messenmoscher. oh how much I enjoyed that book!
This weekend and week I'll be reading the book 'Life and death' by Stephanie Meyer. I read 3 chapters so far so I already started the book haha. So far I'm enjoying it, I only still need to get used of the idea of Bella and Edward being swapped :O in my head the characters tend to be mixed up a bit.
I also want to make a start in the book 'Mees Kees - a naughty class' by Mirjam Oldenhave, I have a huge list for uni to read so I better start asap! :P

what have you read this weekend and what will you be reading during the week?
let me know :)